Monday, May 28, 2012

Traveling by bicycle Tips for flying with a bike

How much does it cost to take the bike on the plane and how you should package it?
Bicycle on the plane, how much does it cost?

The prices for the bicycle transport in an aircraft vary from airline carrier. Within Europe, some companies take the bike with even free cost. Otherwise, costs of bicycle transportation by air within Europe can be € 25-50 each way. For bicycle tours in Europe, it is definitely worthwhile. The situation is different however in long-haul flights. Here, the prices are € 80-300 per trip. Some airlines may take the bike instead of a piece of luggage. These bikes have to be built, however, largely apart as they go beyond the otherwise maximum luggage dimensions. In any event, the bicycle must be registered prior to travel with the airline.

The bike for the flight pack

First of all, let me say that bikes nowadays no longer be thrown through the area, as long as they are abandoned bicycles and recognizable as such. In special stores, bike bags are offered in which the bikes can be stored safely. However, such cases are not necessarily identified by the airport staff as a bike bag and thrown like even once. In addition, they are expensive and take away a lot of space at the destination. Some airlines offer special bags for bicycles, in which you can pack the bikes after a thorough groundwork in good conscience. The best packaging for bikes on planes, however, is with cardboard and / or freestyle wrapping techniques with tape. Boxes for bicycles as a charter service should be for free from the bike shop. But you have to ask in advance, as the cases are often thrown away immediately. Another option is to completely wrap the bike and secure with tape (Freestyle winding technology). The advantage is that you store at your destination no packing material.

One should, however, devote some parts of special attention.
Best preparation for the flight

Basically, it is recommended by the airlines to let the air out of the tires and put the cross bar. Furthermore, it is recommended that all bicycle parts that are easily removable must be dismantled. These pedals are the same as speedometer cables, bottle holders, lamps, etc. The course should be switched so that the chain cannot fall down when you touch the thumb switch. The chain is always on the largest chain ring. In addition, the chain rings with foil and duct tape are specially protected. This also applies to the brakes and also be sensitive to all other circuit components such as handlebars and saddle lowered so far as possible. Moreover, it is wise to keep the top tube with foam or bubble wrap. Otherwise, the complete bike is finally wrapped in plastic and secured with tape.

With such a packed bike, you can approach the air travel by bike calm. You can sit back and relax. Upon arrival, an extensive bike check will not hurt, of course.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tips on Laptops

The choice of Windows or Linux


Almost all computers available on the market today are offered with the operating system Microsoft Windows Vista included. The UFC has long considered this bundling as prohibited under Article L.122-1 of the Consumer Code. The government has also admitted that the Secretary of State has included two measures to improve transparency vis-à-vis the consumer in his plan for the development of digital economy. The first one aims for the prices of software and those of pre-installed operating systems to be displayed separately, while the second aims to permit the buyer to choose whether they want a computer with a pre-installed operating system. Now you can be reimbursed for the operating system if you do not want to use it (if you prefer a free operating system like Ubuntu or Mandriva). The authorities have launched an online guide of repayment on the internet. The Darty distributor displays the procedure with all the manufacturers both in stores and on their website. This is an isolated initiative that deserves to be emphasized.

Windows Vista: a real pain?


Of course, Windows Vista will always remain in history. No computer operating system has caused the spilling of as much ink. The system was not in tune when it was first sold by Microsoft in January 2007. The computers were not powerful enough to support such a cumbersome system. Consequently, they were idling and there were a lot of "buggies". The incompatibility of Windows Vista with several pieces of software and peripherals (printers) has reduced its popularity significantly.

Things have changed today. There are still some incompatibility problems, but the computers sold are more powerful. Requiring 2 GB of RAM, Windows Vista does not slow down the machine. Microsoft claimed to have learned their lesson and promised not to repeat the same mistakes with Windows Seven, Vista's successor. And they didn’t.

Should you be afraid of Linux?


Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista) largely dominated the scene of operating systems. Only the eternal rival Apple has successfully provided an alternative with its Mac. Another very credible though not very visible operating system is Linux. Linux is not an operating system per se, but rather a free core database for developers. They rely on it to develop software that they then make available to the public (or business), either for free or not. Some operating systems are beginning to make a name among these programs (they are referred to as "distribution systems"). These include Ubuntu, Mandriva, Open Suse, Gentoo or Fedora. Each of them is completely outside the lines of the Microsoft universe. First of all, these distributions are free (for consumers) unlike the Windows operating systems. Then, they are not very appealing from a visual point of view, but publishers cultivate simplicity. Finally, the software used in Windows is not compatible with it, but there are some Linux equivalents (not always easy to find). Most are free, too.

Freedom is priceless


Free software is not necessarily free as seen at In fact, these two notions are distinct. The publisher offers internet users free software, but still controls its source code (its "recipe") and is the only one that can improve it and publish modified versions. The term "free software" refers to the freedom of the software and not to its price. Users can run, copy, modify and distribute the software without the permission of the creator. Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, and VLC are known examples of free software. They are also free.

Keyboards: The mystery of the M button


Some computer keyboards, including laptop keyboards, display an M key that is smaller than the other letters. Why an M? On the standard U.S. keyboards (QWERTY), this key is reserved for the question mark. The M key is smaller than the others for easy retrieval. It is a memento of globalization or the key of the manufacturer.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Use of a Sanitizer

 Let’s assume that the water in your pool is well balanced chemically, but there are still bacteria, algae and contaminants in the water. Therefore, you need a product to purify your water.

Chlorine is the most common product on the market. It is also used by municipalities to clean up the water you drink. It is available in several formats: granules, tablets, cleaners, liquid and gaseous form. Chlorine can be stabilized or unstabilized. The advantage of stabilized chlorine is that it is not affected by UV rays and remains in the water longer.

Of course, there are also other types of purifiers on the market such as bromine, hypochlorite, lithium, trichlor, dichlor, etc. to name a few. This article focuses on the most popular: chlorine.

The daily dosage

If you use a distributor of chlorine or chlorine pucks in the skimmer, you should perform your tests and make sure the chlorine levels are within the limits. But if you use chlorine granules and chlorine in liquid form, then you will use one dose daily to maintain the levels:

1.0 to 3.0 ppm for residential or commercial pools;

3.0 to 5.0 ppm for residential or commercial spas.

The ideal time of day to add chlorine

You should add it by late afternoon because then it remains in the water throughout the night and can fight bacteria and algae better due to the lack of sunlight.

Water low in chlorine: <1.0 - Rapid formation of algae and bacteria, strong smell of chlorine, can cause disease. 

Normal chlorine levels: between 1.0 and 3.0  - Ideal range for the control of algae and bacteria.

Water etching in chlorine: >3.0 - Discoloration of hair and bathing suits, potential eye irritation.
picture of pool supplies..
Approximate dosage                                       Approximate dosage

of granules or tablets (with stabilizer)             of granules or tablets (without stabilizer)
30 g per 10,000 liters of water                       60 g per 10,000 liters of water
Super chlorination (when the temperature exceeds 32 ° C)
Super chlorination is advisable if the temperature exceeds 32 ° C (90 ° F) or in case of heavy use of the pool, heavy rain, winds that bring debris or pollen in the water. Increase the dose of chlorine so that the concentration increases to 3.0 to 5.0 ppm for pools or 5.0 to 7.0 for spas. Thus, bacteria and algae are fought against. Return to the normal dose when the temperature drops below 32 ° C (90 ° F).
Shock treatment (normally every 2 weeks or one week when the temperature exceeds 30 ° C)
Over time it happens that the chlorine combines with organic wastes. Then, the amount of free chlorine decreases and thus so does its ability to fight bacteria and algae. The combined chlorine (also called chloramine) produces a bad smell. This characteristic odor suggests that there is too much chlorine in the water. The reality is quite different. This odor means that the dose of chlorine needs increasing for the amount of free chlorine to increase, too, as this helps get rid of the chloramine and finally the bad smell of chlorine. Some bacteria or algae can resist the daily dosage. This is why it is important to conduct regular shock treatments.

Shock treatment helps to solve several common water problems.
When should you apply shock treatment?
Increase the chlorine dose in the evening to obtain 10 ppm (about 5 times the daily dose).
Shock treatment every 2 weeks – Decrease the chlorine level to 3.0 or less before swimming. The ideal time for shock treatment is when it rains or it is too cold for swimming.
Shock treatment every week - When the water temperature exceeds 30 ° C (85 ° F)
When the water temperature falls to or below 30 ° C, you can go back to the 2 weeks cycle.

Shock treatment is necessary:
- In early and late season. 

- If you have forgotten to add chlorine in recent days.

- If there is algae, if there was a storm, if there are many swimmers.

Do not use stabilized chlorine or chlorine pucks for shock treatment. Liquid chlorine may be used but it has the tendency to raise the pH levels and contains only 12% chlorine (bleach contains 6% chlorine).

Stabilizer (cyanuric acid)
Concentration: 30 to 50 ppm

The strong ultraviolet rays of the sun destroy much of the free chlorine in your water. A product like cyanuric acid, also known as stabilizer or conditioner, will form an invisible layer on the surface of the water that blocks the UV rays. This is an excellent investment because it allows you to save a lot of chlorine and you do not have to chlorinate needlessly every day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why Do Poker Players Put on Their Sunglasses

A number of players are on the frontlines defending this accessory after the famous professional poker player Daniel Negreanu accused poker players to cheat with their sunglasses (this was in May 2010). So why are sunglasses so important to them? What are they really for?
A wall to hide your emotions

Poker professionals are accustomed to staring at their opponents in order to detect any signs that may betray a bluff or give them information on their game. Most of these signals are sent by the eyes, which is the main reason why players like to wear sunglasses.

This is not a superstition. Real scientific studies corroborate the claims. Researchers at the University of Melbourne, Australia, have found that the position of the eyes can also represent such a signal. Just click around the internet a few times and you will find all mathematical formulas explaining how the horizontal or vertical movement of the eyes provides information the players around you can use. Therefore, sunglasses are an accessory that can hide a number of emotions. However, the eyes are not the only parts of the body that express your emotions.

The voice but also the facial expressions or even your gestures can also be revealing. This is why some players like to play in silence with headphones in the ears, sunglasses on the nose and sometimes with hoods or turtlenecks that hide parts of the face. These behaviors sometimes create a creepy atmosphere around the gaming tables, but they are just as comical at the same time.

Patrick Bruel stated in his famous comment on Canal + a few years ago that some professionals choose to wear sunglasses because of the bright light around a poker table. Indeed, the lighting is sometimes too intense for the enjoyment of the viewers and can be disturbing for the players, especially after several hours of play.

Observe the others discreetly

But camouflage is not the only reason why some players wear sunglasses. They are not only used to prevent behavioral analyses. They also allow the player to walk their eyes wherever they want without anyone at the table knowing it. Thus, a player has the opportunity to observe different facial expressions and signals the other players send, but without them seeing it.

Poker is a game of information and live parties have precisely this dimension. A player may collect as much information about the opponents that have remained in the game but must also be attentive to what happens around the table.

Can they represent an obstacle?

Some players from the best online casino still believe that sunglasses are not needed during a poker game but do not go to extreme measures like the ban advocated by Daniel Negreanu. Not only do they think that sunglasses hide emotions, but they also think they are an obstacle rather than an advantage. The glasses prevent certain information from reaching the player wearing them. In addition to this, the interpretation of signs and human contact are the essence of live poker.

Whether you are for or against sunglasses, it would seem that many find that they influence one’s behavior at the table. Journalists have realized that the wearing of glasses has resulted in a strange phenomenon of mimicry. Most players playing alongside their opponents eventually wear glasses during the poker game.