Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An Overview of Tools

There are too many tools that most people have not heard about although they are used for very important operations. So, here is a quick look into some of these tools.

What tool do you need?

This is one of the first questions you ask yourself as a beginner. The answer depends very much on what pieces you want to connect with what techniques or whether you want part of the work to be done by machines. However, you should always have the basic tools around the house. You can also get a good overview of such tools in online catalogs of fine woodworking tools like a hammer gun.


A bench in some form is essential. You need a stable table which is safe enough for small jobs, a table where you can fasten the work piece with clamps. However, you may also need a table with a big base that you can screw on the ground. Anyone who wants to build a workbench themselves can find a lot of ideas and plans in the book by Scott Landis. There are also forums for woodworkers which describe the steps of the construction of benches and offer expert advice.


The kind of saw you need depends largely on the type of work you want to do. For starters, you probably need a universal handsaw and a jigsaw for wood joints. There are many types of saws you can use around the house, so you should get information about the use and aspect of each of them.

Faust or cutoff saw

This saw with a large handle is used for trimming and splitting boards in width and all the rougher work.

Saw slot

This is the gluable longitudinal section of a saw. Its teeth have a slightly lower impact on the yield and therefore, you can make a clean cut.

Settling saw

This saw with small, only slightly set teeth is used for cross-sections and finer work such as cutting teeth and pins. You can also work with the jigsaw for a higher accuracy.


It has a thin sheet only one inch wide or less, so the cut is very fine.


The foxtail can replace the universal saw. However, it is not suitable for finer work.


It is used for making wood joints, such as dovetail joints.
Grooving saw

This is a special saw, but you can often replace it with a razor saw.

Japanese saw (Nokogiri)

Japanese saws are now very popular. They vary a lot from western saws, especially through the fact that the saw blades are much thinner, which allows for very fine cuts.

image of hammer gun.
This is a saw toothed on two sides, one for longitudinal cuts and the other for cross sections.


This is a back saw for accurate cross sections.


This is a non-stiffened saw for longitudinal or cross sections.

Board saw

The board saw is a handy tool used for cutting boards and making minor cuts. It allows you to fix a board on a bench without harnessing it.


Only a few of the many previously known types of planes are produced today. A large selection of English and American iron planes is available today. For example, there is the jack plane for dressing and cleaning (maybe even short boards) and the rabbet plane for folding. It might be useful to look into the different types of benches available on the market.


This is useful for heavy metal removal: reducing the board thickness or gross irregularities. You can use the scrub or a smoothing plane to smooth a rough-sawn board.

Jack plane

This is a medium for fine chip removal: dressing and sizing of a board. This is the standard plane for the treatment of surfaces. The plane stabilizes the iron and acts as a chip breaker. The jack plane should not be too wide.

Smoothing plane

It is used for fine depth cutting: final cleaning of the wood surface. You need a particularly finely adjustable slicer for the final treatment of the surface prior to grinding (if that is necessary at all).


It is used for dressing a board, for making a straight edge

Bull nose plane

It is used for smoothing a narrow surface.

Groove plane

It is used for planing grooves of different widths.

Cheeks plane

It is used for cheeks planes.

Dovetail plane

It is used for abutting a ridge.

Router plane

It is used for roughing and smoothing groove bottoms.

Different plane profiles

There are all kinds of profiles and moldings. Each plane has a specific profile. Some blades are no longer manufactured. They are found more frequently at flea markets or antique shops.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tips from Suit and Jacket Experts

Bold colors recommended by Conrad Halle


The correct definition of business clothing is different for men and women. The subtleties are very important. Designer Conrad Halle gives you all the tips and tricks you need to choose the best outfit for the occasion.
Lawyers and law firms are the most exposed to the fashion changes and the business fashion standards, which are dominated by the American trousers. The first rule lawyers should take into consideration is that the socks and legs should not be visible from the trousers. The odds of exposing these two should be over 70 to 30.

image of suit

According to the fashion expert Conrad Halle, "if this is so, he has done everything right". Nothing is worse than short pants and the sight of hairy legs, except perhaps for tie pins, signet rings or fake ties and pocket handkerchiefs made from unaesthetic fabrics. According to the same fashion experts, socks are an unaccepted piece of clothing and excusable only in sports.

Trainees and young professionals are taught that it is better to lose a process rather than wear socks. Halle advises that "the socks should be made from the finest wool or cotton and should have happy colors. Lawyers wear purple, green and magenta tops all the time in court and at meetings with important clients. In the end, it is all about making the client feel comfortable and eliminating any chance that they resent you because of your clothes", the expert says.

Do not cut corners


Fashion courage can easily lead to false impressions. Rule number one for connoisseurs: Clothes should never appear clownish or rooster-like! You should always find a perfect combination of handkerchief, tie and knee socks. Conrad Halle says that pocket squares are just a sign of class. The same goes for watches. "Before a well-established lawyer resorts to renowned 15,000 Euros worth brands, it should be noted that an heirloom or an antique watch looks much more stylish".

Error number two is false economy. According to fashion experts, a partner in a law firm who wears suits that belong to the price range of young professionals does not know much about fashion. The reason: "Men often think that they can match anything to a dark suit". However, whoever saves on money and quality has to deal with wrinkles, shiny fabrics and abrasions on the elbows and knees.

Too much modesty is for fools. Here is what Halle says: "Many young lawyers want to transform themselves into ad hoc gray mice. They just need more courage." Double-breasted jackets, which were considered dead by the early 90s, have just returned in a very slim 2.0 version. This trend is also confirmed by the men's magazine "GQ", according to which "the double-breasted mens bomber jacket is the perfect option for the crisis, but it gives the wearer a broad chest." And as you know, "business is not only about a good job, but also about having a superior look", says one of the editors of the magazine. Therefore, this trend is considered just right.

“The return of the Jedi”


The new double-breasted jacket should be matched with a shirt with wide-enough lapels. You can always opt for a small Kent or shark collar ago and a suitably narrow tie. The shirt should have subtle stripes, plaid or plain designs and preferably a hinged cuff. Uni suits are also very successful in the transitional seasons, subtle glen or herringbone patterns being among the evergreens.

The side slits are a must for any jacket. Watch out for the trap! "You cannot jump, otherwise the fit of the suit is gone", warns the fashion professional. Individual slits are only characteristic to less mens casual jackets with gross cuts and narrow pants without pleats, belt loops and side adjustments and which do not cover the legs, so they are not suitable for formal occasions or older gentlemen.

And what about animal motif ties? Halle says that they are to bold and fit the slogan “Look what my wife gave me for Easter” so that everyone sees that you have an expensive, highly recognizable tie. These ties are too strident for classy men and therefore simply inappropriate.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 Rules Regarding the Consumption of Alcohol

Rule 01   For women: Do not drink more than a standard glass of alcohol daily.

For men: Do not drink more than two standard glasses of alcohol per day.

For women and men: Do not drink any alcohol at least two days a week.

A standard glass of alcohol means 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is the amount contained in a glass of beer (0.25 l), for example, a glass of wine/champagne (0.1 l) or a glass of liquor (4 cl). Women are more sensitive to alcohol because the liquid content in the female body is relatively lower than in men, among other things. Furthermore, alcohol reduces their metabolism.

Drinking more than one standard glass of alcohol per day for women and two for men can damage to the health and increases risk of becoming dependent on alcohol.

Rule 02 - Avoid getting drunk. 

Control yourself because drunk you are a danger to yourself and the others around you. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of accidents significantly. Alcohol increases your aggressiveness. Assault, manslaughter, rape and child abuse are typical alcohol offenses. The number of murders caused by excessive alcohol consumption is also incredible. And you can damage your health as the risk of stroke also increases significantly.

Rule 03 - Keep away from alcohol for two or more days per week. 

Daily consumption - no matter how much you drink - is a habit and may develop into dependence. Therefore, you should stay away from alcohol two days per week and try to live without alcohol for several weeks once a year. Remember that alcohol impairs your physical and mental performance and this should be enough motivation.

Rule 04 - Do you like to drink alcohol at work or when you play sports? 

Avoid alcohol whenever you do something that involves performance, concentration and quick reactions. Your vision and motor coordination are already impaired at about 0.2 per thousand. The reaction speed decreases starting at about 0.5 per thousand and at about 0.8 per thousand, it is significantly slowed and fatigue and concentration problems occur. Alcohol is still the most common causes of accidents: about twelve percent of the deaths in the United States occur as a result of alcohol-related accidents.
image of alcohol.
Rule 05 - No alcohol from children. 

Do not give children alcohol. Even small amounts can cause severe poisoning in children. Even an alcohol concentration of 0.5 ‰ can leave a child unconscious. If your child drinks alcohol by themselves, then this is a warning signal and you should look for family or child guidance immediately. The sale of alcohol to children under the age of 16 in sales outlets and restaurants is prohibited by law.

Rule 06 - It is normal for teens to want to consume alcoholic drinks. However, heavy, frequent or even daily alcohol consumption is a warning signal.

The earlier young people begin to drink alcohol, the greater is the risk that they drink it habitually or become dependent on it later on. Adolescents should drink alcohol only occasionally and in small amounts. Frequently or even daily use and drunkenness are warning signals that parents or other adults should respond to.

Rule 07 - Be particularly cautious with alcohol as you get older.

The body has more and more difficulty tolerating and fighting alcohol with age. Older people sometimes need to take medication, their interaction with alcohol sometimes being fatal. It is worthwhile reducing the alcohol consumption if you are a little older. You will feel more comfortable and your mental and physical performance will improve.

Rule 08 - Do not drink alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Your child can develop severe physical and mental disabilities such as short stature, heart defects or developmental disorders of the brain if you drink alcohol during pregnancy. Even the consumption of small amounts of alcohol affects the growth in size and intelligence of the unborn child. It is also recommended to stay away from alcohol while breastfeeding because the alcohol passes into the breast milk. The infant cannot degrade it properly and this may lead to the maturation of the brain being affected.

Rule 09 – Check if you can drink alcohol as long as you are on medication.

Alcohol can interfere with the healing effects of drugs. The reduction of alcohol deprives the body of energy, while the drug helps it overcome a disease. Alcohol should not be combined with psychologically effective drugs such as sleeping pills and tranquilizers, antidepressants or psycho-stimulants because the narcotic or stimulant effect can increase dangerously.

Rule 10 – Check your health condition.

Even small amounts of alcohol can affect your condition if you have a chronic disease, for instance. Other similar diseases are:


Liver diseases, particularly hepatitis C
Depression and other mental disorders

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Installing Your Wireless Home Security Pinhole Camera

Every home needs a wireless home security camera. It is not necessarily a sign that there are very valuable things inside the house but all people should take care of the most valuable things they possess. A wireless home security camera can come in all shapes and sizes. It can be mounted just about anywhere and better yet, it can be covered by anything.

The ceiling 

Image of pinhole camera.The typical location for a wireless home security pinhole camera (for any camera for that matter) is the ceiling or a corner of the house. This is because the wireless security camera can capture a wider range of the area that it monitors. This is especially true for the cameras that are discontinuous and that have square-shaped lenses. However, a neat trick to deceive the people into thinking that there are no cameras is to install a wireless home security camera that looks like a smoke alarm. Of course there should be a real smoke alarm in the room as well so that you do not compensate for one risk with another. Another trick is to have a blind camera out in the open and to conceal the real wireless home security camera in the ceiling if possible.

Around the house 

A wireless home security camera can be disguised as anything you want and this means that it can be installed anywhere in the house. Some people install them in floral arrangements, hide them in desk lamps and even shove them into stuffed toys around the room. If the object is large enough for the wireless security camera to fit in, then this item can be used as a peripheral home security device. Of course, the main transmitter of the wireless security camera cannot be covered or otherwise the console that receives all the recorded data may not be receive that signal.

The output 

There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to setting up a wireless home security pinhole camera system in the house, especially if you want to hide the camera from everyone else. Of course, this brings about questions of invasion of privacy, so at least make the people aware that there are cameras around the house without revealing their positions. The other option is to install some cameras where private activities are carried out, like in the toilet, bathroom or bedroom. Typical installations are found in the halls or at the entrance and some wireless home surveillance cameras can be mounted outside facing the lawn or the backyard. Be sensitive about other people’s sensitivity and you may not need to respond to arguments on invasion of privacy or other similar issues.

A wireless home security camera is the best tool you can use to protect all of your assets and loved ones all at once. Even if you are away from home and your home is burgled, you can always rewind the footages and increase your chances at capturing those responsible. Don’t you have a wireless home security camera in your house just yet? Then, you might want to get one now.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Photography course with a Camera

Photography is an art and if art can be learned. It  is not innate. Even if art is very creative, some forms of art can be very technical and this is particularly true of photography. Indeed, photography is the result of technological devices whose use cannot therefore be innate. There are very specific techniques to produce images very different depending on the brightness, the position of the camera, etc. And at least a photographer must know his techniques to allow for great photos.

Everyone is able to take pictures because it simply to target the object you want to photograph and press a button for it to be recorded. But to make beautiful pictures that gesture is not enough. You must indeed have a good camera with camera accessories and know at least the field of photography in order to make beautiful memories or artwork. You should know when to start the photographing button, you must know where, how to hold the camera and know how to create light effects. So why are there institutions for learning everything about photograph?

Whether it is traditional or digital, all there is to know about the photo is available in a photography course. Enjoy it, there are more and more. Because photography is not only reserved for professionals, it is also open to everyone. A few years ago there were mostly photography schools but today courses are available for lovers of this art. This course has been developed by a professional photographer in the industry. It is packed with practical activities and you will have real photographic assignments to go out and shoot. Your tutor will review your photographs and mark them up so you can see where you need to improve and which techniques you need to apply to capture better photographs.

image of photo course.
In addition, you can access the online activities in the eLearning Centre to further practice and test your knowledge and skills. And you can talk with other students from all over the country in the Student Forum.

Materials: Your course includes College folder and student case, all modules (tutorials and assignment projects), textbooks, learning tools, tutor feedback and marking, College support, progressive Transcripts of Study, Graduate Awards and final Academic Transcripts, access to the e Campus, e News, Student ID Pass, and access to educational discounts.

Throughout your course you will be tutored by leading professional photographers. Peter is renowned for his ability to capture the essence of life through the lens. Peter is a master craftsman with the camera and works in both color and black and white. His recent exhibition featuring his photographic collection ‘Travels through France and Italy’ brought glowing reviews. Peter has also been featured in Australian Photography. You can read about Peter by clicking on the 'Your Tutors' tab above.

You will take around 50 photographs in this course, plus you will put together a portfolio of your best work. Peter will assess your photographs and mark them up to show you where you need to focus or improve the shot. So, if it’s professional photography you want to learn about look no further, start the course today and learn how you can take photographs for a living. This course is a must for anyone wanting to move from amateur to professional level. This is not a course for people who are already professionals.

It is a course for those who want to learn about all the aspects of good photography: depth of field, exposure, viewpoint, alternating film and digital, color correction, movement, composition, image management, studio lighting, day and night shots, and so much more. You will also learn how to market yourself, prepare a photographer's portfolio, and obtain model releases and how to sell your photographs and earn a living as a photographer.

Some courses are also available on the Internet but they are not as relevant as being face-to-face with a teacher because it goes much more into account certain factors when visualized. Also photography requires some body movements it is better to actually learn rather than through a screen.