Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 Rules Regarding the Consumption of Alcohol

Rule 01   For women: Do not drink more than a standard glass of alcohol daily.

For men: Do not drink more than two standard glasses of alcohol per day.

For women and men: Do not drink any alcohol at least two days a week.

A standard glass of alcohol means 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is the amount contained in a glass of beer (0.25 l), for example, a glass of wine/champagne (0.1 l) or a glass of liquor (4 cl). Women are more sensitive to alcohol because the liquid content in the female body is relatively lower than in men, among other things. Furthermore, alcohol reduces their metabolism.

Drinking more than one standard glass of alcohol per day for women and two for men can damage to the health and increases risk of becoming dependent on alcohol.

Rule 02 - Avoid getting drunk. 

Control yourself because drunk you are a danger to yourself and the others around you. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of accidents significantly. Alcohol increases your aggressiveness. Assault, manslaughter, rape and child abuse are typical alcohol offenses. The number of murders caused by excessive alcohol consumption is also incredible. And you can damage your health as the risk of stroke also increases significantly.

Rule 03 - Keep away from alcohol for two or more days per week. 

Daily consumption - no matter how much you drink - is a habit and may develop into dependence. Therefore, you should stay away from alcohol two days per week and try to live without alcohol for several weeks once a year. Remember that alcohol impairs your physical and mental performance and this should be enough motivation.

Rule 04 - Do you like to drink alcohol at work or when you play sports? 

Avoid alcohol whenever you do something that involves performance, concentration and quick reactions. Your vision and motor coordination are already impaired at about 0.2 per thousand. The reaction speed decreases starting at about 0.5 per thousand and at about 0.8 per thousand, it is significantly slowed and fatigue and concentration problems occur. Alcohol is still the most common causes of accidents: about twelve percent of the deaths in the United States occur as a result of alcohol-related accidents.
image of alcohol.
Rule 05 - No alcohol from children. 

Do not give children alcohol. Even small amounts can cause severe poisoning in children. Even an alcohol concentration of 0.5 ‰ can leave a child unconscious. If your child drinks alcohol by themselves, then this is a warning signal and you should look for family or child guidance immediately. The sale of alcohol to children under the age of 16 in sales outlets and restaurants is prohibited by law.

Rule 06 - It is normal for teens to want to consume alcoholic drinks. However, heavy, frequent or even daily alcohol consumption is a warning signal.

The earlier young people begin to drink alcohol, the greater is the risk that they drink it habitually or become dependent on it later on. Adolescents should drink alcohol only occasionally and in small amounts. Frequently or even daily use and drunkenness are warning signals that parents or other adults should respond to.

Rule 07 - Be particularly cautious with alcohol as you get older.

The body has more and more difficulty tolerating and fighting alcohol with age. Older people sometimes need to take medication, their interaction with alcohol sometimes being fatal. It is worthwhile reducing the alcohol consumption if you are a little older. You will feel more comfortable and your mental and physical performance will improve.

Rule 08 - Do not drink alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Your child can develop severe physical and mental disabilities such as short stature, heart defects or developmental disorders of the brain if you drink alcohol during pregnancy. Even the consumption of small amounts of alcohol affects the growth in size and intelligence of the unborn child. It is also recommended to stay away from alcohol while breastfeeding because the alcohol passes into the breast milk. The infant cannot degrade it properly and this may lead to the maturation of the brain being affected.

Rule 09 – Check if you can drink alcohol as long as you are on medication.

Alcohol can interfere with the healing effects of drugs. The reduction of alcohol deprives the body of energy, while the drug helps it overcome a disease. Alcohol should not be combined with psychologically effective drugs such as sleeping pills and tranquilizers, antidepressants or psycho-stimulants because the narcotic or stimulant effect can increase dangerously.

Rule 10 – Check your health condition.

Even small amounts of alcohol can affect your condition if you have a chronic disease, for instance. Other similar diseases are:


Liver diseases, particularly hepatitis C
Depression and other mental disorders

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