Tuesday, December 20, 2011

About Diabetes - Monitoring Complications and Diabetes Care

Eye disorders

Diabetes can affect your eyes in many ways. Be aware of your eye health and have your eyes checked regularly, including a dilated eye examination at least once a year. And, be sure to maintain good glucose control. Most people with Type 1 diabetes are likely to experience some sort of eye complication, usually after having had diabetes for 15 years or more.

In people with Type 2, the risk of developing eye complications varies, depending on their glucose control and how long they’ve had diabetes. Diabetes complications are a major cause of preventable blindness among working aged people in the United States. Some complications can be treated, especially if caught early. And, good glucose control can prevent some complications from occurring in the first place, or can delay their progression. Diabetes care is vital to avoid dreadful complications.

Image of diabetes care.
The retina is the back of the inside of the eye. If the blood vessels in the retina become weak, they may start to leak blood or other fluids into the eye. Diabetic retinopathy can progress through several stages, from mild to moderate, then severe to very severe. It can result in severe vision loss, but it can be treated if detected early.

Diabetes can affect the eyes in several ways. Frequently, the effects are temporary and can be corrected with better diabetes control. However, long-term diabetes can cause changes in the eyes that threaten vision. Stable blood glucose levels and yearly eye examinations can help reduce the risk of serious eye damage. Blurred vision is one of the effects diabetes can have on the eyes. The reason may be that changing levels of glucose in blood also can affect the balance of fluid in the lens of the eye, which works like a flexible camera lens to focus images.

If the lens absorbs more water than normal and swells, its focusing power changes. Diabetes also may affect the function of nerves that control eyesight, causing blurred vision. Cataract and glaucoma are eye diseases that occur more frequently in people with diabetes. Cataracts are a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. Glaucoma is a condition in which pressure within the eye can damage the optic nerve that transmits visual images to the brain. These problems will occur of you will not do the right diabetes care.

Early diagnosis and treatment of cataract and glaucoma can reduce the severity of these disorders. Retinopathy, a disease of the retina, the light sensing tissue at the back of the eye, is a common concern among people with diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy damages the tiny vessels that supply the retina with blood. The blood vessels may swell and leak fluid. When retinopathy is more severe, new blood vessels may grow from the back of the eye and bleed into the clear gel that fills the eye, the vitreous.

While most people with diabetes may never develop serious eye problems, people who have had diabetes for 25 years are more likely to develop retinopathy. Experts think high blood pressure may contribute to diabetic retinopathy, and that smoking can cause the condition to worsen. If someone experiences blurred vision that lasts longer than a day or so, sudden loss of vision in either eye, or black spots, lines, or flashing lights in the field of vision, a doctor should be alerted right away.

Treatment for diabetic retinopathy can help prevent loss of vision and can sometimes restore vision lost because of the disease. A yearly eye examination with dilated pupils makes it possible for an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor, to notice changes before the illness becomes harder to treat. Scientists are testing new means of treating diabetic retinopathy. For more information on eye complications of diabetes and the treatment of these conditions, see the resource list at the end of this hypertext document.

No one wants to develop the complications of diabetes, whether they are short-term, such as a bladder infection, or long-term, such as blindness. New research has found that these complications are not inevitable. Good medical and personal care can delay and may even prevent these complications. (Distribute the "Control Your Diabetes for Life: Tips for Feeling Better and Staying Healthy" handout.) What are the causes of diabetic complications? The main cause is high blood glucose levels.

High blood glucose affects circulation and nerves. It limits the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. It also speeds up how quickly blood vessels narrow and stiffen, and promotes blood clots that can block veins and arteries. If you have high blood pressure along with your diabetes, the risk for all diabetic complications greatly increases. Even if your family members or friends have had diabetic complications, this does not mean that you are doomed to suffer them. Recent findings and new technology for treating diabetes can reduce your risk. But you do need to work closely with your medical team and take good care of yourself every day.

Information note - Diabetic retinopathy


Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in American adults. It is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina. In some people with diabetic retinopathy, blood vessels may swell and leak fluid. In other people, abnormal new blood vessels grow on the surface of the retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. A healthy retina is necessary for good vision. If you have diabetic retinopathy, at first you may not notice changes to your vision. But over time, diabetic retinopathy can get worse and cause vision loss. To avoid retinopathy, diabetic tests must be performed as soon as possible.

Disturbances of vision are a common complication of diabetes mellitus. In Germany, most of blindness due to diabetes is still illnesses. Long time exceed pathological changes in the blood vessels of the retina (retinopathy) forward, without being able to detect a deterioration in the person of vision (visual acuity). The changes in the blood vessels, however, can be seen early in ophthalmologic examinations. Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes. Mild Nonproliferative Retinopathy. At this earliest stage, microaneurysms occur. They are small areas of balloon-like swelling in the retina's tiny blood vessels.

Image of diabetic tests.Moderate Nonproliferative Retinopathy. As the disease progresses, some blood vessels that nourish the retina are blocked. Severe Nonproliferative Retinopathy. Many more blood vessels are blocked, depriving several areas of the retina with their blood supply. These areas of the retina send signals to the body to grow new blood vessels for nourishment.

Proliferative Retinopathy. At this advanced stage, the signals sent by the retina for nourishment trigger the growth of new blood vessels. This condition is called proliferative retinopathy. These new blood vessels are abnormal and fragile. They grow along the retina and along the surface of the clear, vitreous gel that fills the inside of the eye. By themselves, these blood vessels do not cause symptoms or vision loss. However, they have thin, fragile walls. If they leak blood, severe vision loss and even blindness can result.

If you have lost some sight from diabetic retinopathy, ask your eye care professional about low vision services and devices that may help you make the most of your remaining vision. Ask for a referral to a specialist in low vision. Many community organizations and agencies offer information about low vision counselling, training, and other special services for people with visual impairments. A nearby school of medicine or optometry may provide low vision services.

The examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist is easy to perform and requires no complicated technical equipment. Their regular performance is very effective. Damage to the blood vessels of the retina and the point of sharpest vision (macula) can be diagnosed long before the affected people with diabetes noted a deterioration of vision. Once a visual loss has occurred, it can be produced only in rare cases again. Essential to preserve vision is a standards-setting close to the blood sugar levels. Thorough check-ups and close cooperation between the house and eye doctor can provide vision and quality of life of diabetic long-term.                                                                                                                                                                           

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blueberry pie


250 g of flour, 180 g of cold butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar, salt, 4-5 tablespoons of ice water, 300 g of blueberries, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of butter, flour for the work surface, 1 egg for brushing, powdered sugar for dusting

Step 1
image of pancakes.
Knead the flour, butter, sugar, 2 pinches of salt and ice water into a smooth, supple mixture. Add a little more ice water if necessary. Divide the dough into two parts, wrap the pieces in plastic wrap and let it cool for 1 hour.

Step 2

Wash the blueberries for the filling gently and dry them on paper towels. The benefits of blueberry antioxidant are very important and more and more people eat berries. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (fan oven at 180 °). Roll one half of the dough on a floured surface and make the shape you want, lifting the dough about 1 cm above the rim. Then let it cool.

Step 3

Mix the berries with sugar, flour and cornstarch. Cut the butter into small pieces and mix it well. Fill the berries in the form. Roll out the second half of the dough and then add the berries. Beat the egg with a little water and brush it on the cake.

Step 4

Keep the pie in the oven for about 20 minutes, then another 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees (convection oven 160 °) until the cake is golden brown and bubbling. If the cake becomes too brown, cover it with wax paper. Let it cool at room temperature. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Blueberry dressing


300 ml of blueberry vinegar, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, about 3 tablespoons of sugar or honey
Mix all the ingredients together. It fits on all salads. You can serve it with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, eggs, blueberries, cheese and turkey.

Blueberry muffins


150 g of blueberries, 220 g of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 tsp of grated lemon rind, 150 g of soft butter, 150 g of sugar, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 1 egg, 250 g of yoghurt, icing sugar for dusting, a 12-hole muffin tin, grease for the tin

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease the tin. Wash the blueberries and pat them dry if necessary. Mix the flour with the baking powder and lemon peel.

Step 2

Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla and egg until the mixture is creamy. Stir in the yogurt. Stir in the flour rapidly. Add the berries into the batter. Put the dough in the tin. Bake it in the oven (middle rack) for 20-25 minutes. Remove the blueberry muffins from the mold, let them cool slightly and dust them with powdered sugar.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Debt elimination help

Credit card payments are designed to be paid monthly and lenders try to encourage people who pay off their debts by making the minimum payment low each month. In this way, credit card companies can make a lot of money out of consumers in high interest rates. Statistically, the results for the minimum on your credit card balance is nothing, indeed, the interest will quickly spiral down into more debt for you. Falling behind on credit card payments is very simple to do and can have serious consequences. At the first sign of trouble, you should seek help and try to get right back on track. Here are some tips:

Get your priorities right

image of man in debt
You need to know where your priorities lie in order to eliminate debt. The first step is for your bills. Do not continue to spend money that you do not have! That means, stop using your credit card, most importantly, do not use your credit card to pay other bills out! You will not do yourself a favor by trying to consolidate your own debt, especially at a high interest credit card.

Begin by selecting your most important assets. Remember, there really is no need to carry more than one or two credit cards. You are going to create more confusion by collecting additional bills. Write down everything and keep what you buy with a credit card. You can always check the credit card company with a lower interest rate. If you have a history of paying your bills on time, they can actually hold it.

Make payments on time. The goal is to pay more than the minimum amount, even if you cannot afford much more. Everything is better than nothing. After you have paid off your unnecessary credit cards, cancel the accounts.

Get a game plan


If you really want to eliminate debt problems, you need to get a plan and learn how to make lifestyle changes. Consumer credit can help you afford to buy the luxury of the things that are not really needed and can definitely be lived without. However, the thrill of buying something that you do not have to pay immediately is there. You must evaluate, and then re-evaluate every purchase. Do you need it? Can you live without it? These are significant questions and answering them honestly will help put you back on the road to financial freedom.

The last thing you want is to borrow more money to try to become debt free, but there are few opportunities to get around this. For example, a home equity loan is often tax deductible and it is almost like we borrow money from yourself, if you own a home. The same applies for the loan against your 401k, you are borrowing your own money, but there are significant risks if you do not pay.

You must be willing to work to remain debt free after you have used these techniques in order to eliminate debt. If you do not want to take the risk, you can withdraw money from friends or family at low interest rates, borrow to consolidate and eliminate debt. Money is the number one dispute between the family and friends, however, this option should be used sparingly.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An Overview of Tools

There are too many tools that most people have not heard about although they are used for very important operations. So, here is a quick look into some of these tools.

What tool do you need?

This is one of the first questions you ask yourself as a beginner. The answer depends very much on what pieces you want to connect with what techniques or whether you want part of the work to be done by machines. However, you should always have the basic tools around the house. You can also get a good overview of such tools in online catalogs of fine woodworking tools like a hammer gun.


A bench in some form is essential. You need a stable table which is safe enough for small jobs, a table where you can fasten the work piece with clamps. However, you may also need a table with a big base that you can screw on the ground. Anyone who wants to build a workbench themselves can find a lot of ideas and plans in the book by Scott Landis. There are also forums for woodworkers which describe the steps of the construction of benches and offer expert advice.


The kind of saw you need depends largely on the type of work you want to do. For starters, you probably need a universal handsaw and a jigsaw for wood joints. There are many types of saws you can use around the house, so you should get information about the use and aspect of each of them.

Faust or cutoff saw

This saw with a large handle is used for trimming and splitting boards in width and all the rougher work.

Saw slot

This is the gluable longitudinal section of a saw. Its teeth have a slightly lower impact on the yield and therefore, you can make a clean cut.

Settling saw

This saw with small, only slightly set teeth is used for cross-sections and finer work such as cutting teeth and pins. You can also work with the jigsaw for a higher accuracy.


It has a thin sheet only one inch wide or less, so the cut is very fine.


The foxtail can replace the universal saw. However, it is not suitable for finer work.


It is used for making wood joints, such as dovetail joints.
Grooving saw

This is a special saw, but you can often replace it with a razor saw.

Japanese saw (Nokogiri)

Japanese saws are now very popular. They vary a lot from western saws, especially through the fact that the saw blades are much thinner, which allows for very fine cuts.

image of hammer gun.
This is a saw toothed on two sides, one for longitudinal cuts and the other for cross sections.


This is a back saw for accurate cross sections.


This is a non-stiffened saw for longitudinal or cross sections.

Board saw

The board saw is a handy tool used for cutting boards and making minor cuts. It allows you to fix a board on a bench without harnessing it.


Only a few of the many previously known types of planes are produced today. A large selection of English and American iron planes is available today. For example, there is the jack plane for dressing and cleaning (maybe even short boards) and the rabbet plane for folding. It might be useful to look into the different types of benches available on the market.


This is useful for heavy metal removal: reducing the board thickness or gross irregularities. You can use the scrub or a smoothing plane to smooth a rough-sawn board.

Jack plane

This is a medium for fine chip removal: dressing and sizing of a board. This is the standard plane for the treatment of surfaces. The plane stabilizes the iron and acts as a chip breaker. The jack plane should not be too wide.

Smoothing plane

It is used for fine depth cutting: final cleaning of the wood surface. You need a particularly finely adjustable slicer for the final treatment of the surface prior to grinding (if that is necessary at all).


It is used for dressing a board, for making a straight edge

Bull nose plane

It is used for smoothing a narrow surface.

Groove plane

It is used for planing grooves of different widths.

Cheeks plane

It is used for cheeks planes.

Dovetail plane

It is used for abutting a ridge.

Router plane

It is used for roughing and smoothing groove bottoms.

Different plane profiles

There are all kinds of profiles and moldings. Each plane has a specific profile. Some blades are no longer manufactured. They are found more frequently at flea markets or antique shops.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tips from Suit and Jacket Experts

Bold colors recommended by Conrad Halle


The correct definition of business clothing is different for men and women. The subtleties are very important. Designer Conrad Halle gives you all the tips and tricks you need to choose the best outfit for the occasion.
Lawyers and law firms are the most exposed to the fashion changes and the business fashion standards, which are dominated by the American trousers. The first rule lawyers should take into consideration is that the socks and legs should not be visible from the trousers. The odds of exposing these two should be over 70 to 30.

image of suit

According to the fashion expert Conrad Halle, "if this is so, he has done everything right". Nothing is worse than short pants and the sight of hairy legs, except perhaps for tie pins, signet rings or fake ties and pocket handkerchiefs made from unaesthetic fabrics. According to the same fashion experts, socks are an unaccepted piece of clothing and excusable only in sports.

Trainees and young professionals are taught that it is better to lose a process rather than wear socks. Halle advises that "the socks should be made from the finest wool or cotton and should have happy colors. Lawyers wear purple, green and magenta tops all the time in court and at meetings with important clients. In the end, it is all about making the client feel comfortable and eliminating any chance that they resent you because of your clothes", the expert says.

Do not cut corners


Fashion courage can easily lead to false impressions. Rule number one for connoisseurs: Clothes should never appear clownish or rooster-like! You should always find a perfect combination of handkerchief, tie and knee socks. Conrad Halle says that pocket squares are just a sign of class. The same goes for watches. "Before a well-established lawyer resorts to renowned 15,000 Euros worth brands, it should be noted that an heirloom or an antique watch looks much more stylish".

Error number two is false economy. According to fashion experts, a partner in a law firm who wears suits that belong to the price range of young professionals does not know much about fashion. The reason: "Men often think that they can match anything to a dark suit". However, whoever saves on money and quality has to deal with wrinkles, shiny fabrics and abrasions on the elbows and knees.

Too much modesty is for fools. Here is what Halle says: "Many young lawyers want to transform themselves into ad hoc gray mice. They just need more courage." Double-breasted jackets, which were considered dead by the early 90s, have just returned in a very slim 2.0 version. This trend is also confirmed by the men's magazine "GQ", according to which "the double-breasted mens bomber jacket is the perfect option for the crisis, but it gives the wearer a broad chest." And as you know, "business is not only about a good job, but also about having a superior look", says one of the editors of the magazine. Therefore, this trend is considered just right.

“The return of the Jedi”


The new double-breasted jacket should be matched with a shirt with wide-enough lapels. You can always opt for a small Kent or shark collar ago and a suitably narrow tie. The shirt should have subtle stripes, plaid or plain designs and preferably a hinged cuff. Uni suits are also very successful in the transitional seasons, subtle glen or herringbone patterns being among the evergreens.

The side slits are a must for any jacket. Watch out for the trap! "You cannot jump, otherwise the fit of the suit is gone", warns the fashion professional. Individual slits are only characteristic to less mens casual jackets with gross cuts and narrow pants without pleats, belt loops and side adjustments and which do not cover the legs, so they are not suitable for formal occasions or older gentlemen.

And what about animal motif ties? Halle says that they are to bold and fit the slogan “Look what my wife gave me for Easter” so that everyone sees that you have an expensive, highly recognizable tie. These ties are too strident for classy men and therefore simply inappropriate.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 Rules Regarding the Consumption of Alcohol

Rule 01   For women: Do not drink more than a standard glass of alcohol daily.

For men: Do not drink more than two standard glasses of alcohol per day.

For women and men: Do not drink any alcohol at least two days a week.

A standard glass of alcohol means 10 grams of pure alcohol, which is the amount contained in a glass of beer (0.25 l), for example, a glass of wine/champagne (0.1 l) or a glass of liquor (4 cl). Women are more sensitive to alcohol because the liquid content in the female body is relatively lower than in men, among other things. Furthermore, alcohol reduces their metabolism.

Drinking more than one standard glass of alcohol per day for women and two for men can damage to the health and increases risk of becoming dependent on alcohol.

Rule 02 - Avoid getting drunk. 

Control yourself because drunk you are a danger to yourself and the others around you. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of accidents significantly. Alcohol increases your aggressiveness. Assault, manslaughter, rape and child abuse are typical alcohol offenses. The number of murders caused by excessive alcohol consumption is also incredible. And you can damage your health as the risk of stroke also increases significantly.

Rule 03 - Keep away from alcohol for two or more days per week. 

Daily consumption - no matter how much you drink - is a habit and may develop into dependence. Therefore, you should stay away from alcohol two days per week and try to live without alcohol for several weeks once a year. Remember that alcohol impairs your physical and mental performance and this should be enough motivation.

Rule 04 - Do you like to drink alcohol at work or when you play sports? 

Avoid alcohol whenever you do something that involves performance, concentration and quick reactions. Your vision and motor coordination are already impaired at about 0.2 per thousand. The reaction speed decreases starting at about 0.5 per thousand and at about 0.8 per thousand, it is significantly slowed and fatigue and concentration problems occur. Alcohol is still the most common causes of accidents: about twelve percent of the deaths in the United States occur as a result of alcohol-related accidents.
image of alcohol.
Rule 05 - No alcohol from children. 

Do not give children alcohol. Even small amounts can cause severe poisoning in children. Even an alcohol concentration of 0.5 ‰ can leave a child unconscious. If your child drinks alcohol by themselves, then this is a warning signal and you should look for family or child guidance immediately. The sale of alcohol to children under the age of 16 in sales outlets and restaurants is prohibited by law.

Rule 06 - It is normal for teens to want to consume alcoholic drinks. However, heavy, frequent or even daily alcohol consumption is a warning signal.

The earlier young people begin to drink alcohol, the greater is the risk that they drink it habitually or become dependent on it later on. Adolescents should drink alcohol only occasionally and in small amounts. Frequently or even daily use and drunkenness are warning signals that parents or other adults should respond to.

Rule 07 - Be particularly cautious with alcohol as you get older.

The body has more and more difficulty tolerating and fighting alcohol with age. Older people sometimes need to take medication, their interaction with alcohol sometimes being fatal. It is worthwhile reducing the alcohol consumption if you are a little older. You will feel more comfortable and your mental and physical performance will improve.

Rule 08 - Do not drink alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Your child can develop severe physical and mental disabilities such as short stature, heart defects or developmental disorders of the brain if you drink alcohol during pregnancy. Even the consumption of small amounts of alcohol affects the growth in size and intelligence of the unborn child. It is also recommended to stay away from alcohol while breastfeeding because the alcohol passes into the breast milk. The infant cannot degrade it properly and this may lead to the maturation of the brain being affected.

Rule 09 – Check if you can drink alcohol as long as you are on medication.

Alcohol can interfere with the healing effects of drugs. The reduction of alcohol deprives the body of energy, while the drug helps it overcome a disease. Alcohol should not be combined with psychologically effective drugs such as sleeping pills and tranquilizers, antidepressants or psycho-stimulants because the narcotic or stimulant effect can increase dangerously.

Rule 10 – Check your health condition.

Even small amounts of alcohol can affect your condition if you have a chronic disease, for instance. Other similar diseases are:


Liver diseases, particularly hepatitis C
Depression and other mental disorders

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Installing Your Wireless Home Security Pinhole Camera

Every home needs a wireless home security camera. It is not necessarily a sign that there are very valuable things inside the house but all people should take care of the most valuable things they possess. A wireless home security camera can come in all shapes and sizes. It can be mounted just about anywhere and better yet, it can be covered by anything.

The ceiling 

Image of pinhole camera.The typical location for a wireless home security pinhole camera (for any camera for that matter) is the ceiling or a corner of the house. This is because the wireless security camera can capture a wider range of the area that it monitors. This is especially true for the cameras that are discontinuous and that have square-shaped lenses. However, a neat trick to deceive the people into thinking that there are no cameras is to install a wireless home security camera that looks like a smoke alarm. Of course there should be a real smoke alarm in the room as well so that you do not compensate for one risk with another. Another trick is to have a blind camera out in the open and to conceal the real wireless home security camera in the ceiling if possible.

Around the house 

A wireless home security camera can be disguised as anything you want and this means that it can be installed anywhere in the house. Some people install them in floral arrangements, hide them in desk lamps and even shove them into stuffed toys around the room. If the object is large enough for the wireless security camera to fit in, then this item can be used as a peripheral home security device. Of course, the main transmitter of the wireless security camera cannot be covered or otherwise the console that receives all the recorded data may not be receive that signal.

The output 

There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to setting up a wireless home security pinhole camera system in the house, especially if you want to hide the camera from everyone else. Of course, this brings about questions of invasion of privacy, so at least make the people aware that there are cameras around the house without revealing their positions. The other option is to install some cameras where private activities are carried out, like in the toilet, bathroom or bedroom. Typical installations are found in the halls or at the entrance and some wireless home surveillance cameras can be mounted outside facing the lawn or the backyard. Be sensitive about other people’s sensitivity and you may not need to respond to arguments on invasion of privacy or other similar issues.

A wireless home security camera is the best tool you can use to protect all of your assets and loved ones all at once. Even if you are away from home and your home is burgled, you can always rewind the footages and increase your chances at capturing those responsible. Don’t you have a wireless home security camera in your house just yet? Then, you might want to get one now.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Photography course with a Camera

Photography is an art and if art can be learned. It  is not innate. Even if art is very creative, some forms of art can be very technical and this is particularly true of photography. Indeed, photography is the result of technological devices whose use cannot therefore be innate. There are very specific techniques to produce images very different depending on the brightness, the position of the camera, etc. And at least a photographer must know his techniques to allow for great photos.

Everyone is able to take pictures because it simply to target the object you want to photograph and press a button for it to be recorded. But to make beautiful pictures that gesture is not enough. You must indeed have a good camera with camera accessories and know at least the field of photography in order to make beautiful memories or artwork. You should know when to start the photographing button, you must know where, how to hold the camera and know how to create light effects. So why are there institutions for learning everything about photograph?

Whether it is traditional or digital, all there is to know about the photo is available in a photography course. Enjoy it, there are more and more. Because photography is not only reserved for professionals, it is also open to everyone. A few years ago there were mostly photography schools but today courses are available for lovers of this art. This course has been developed by a professional photographer in the industry. It is packed with practical activities and you will have real photographic assignments to go out and shoot. Your tutor will review your photographs and mark them up so you can see where you need to improve and which techniques you need to apply to capture better photographs.

image of photo course.
In addition, you can access the online activities in the eLearning Centre to further practice and test your knowledge and skills. And you can talk with other students from all over the country in the Student Forum.

Materials: Your course includes College folder and student case, all modules (tutorials and assignment projects), textbooks, learning tools, tutor feedback and marking, College support, progressive Transcripts of Study, Graduate Awards and final Academic Transcripts, access to the e Campus, e News, Student ID Pass, and access to educational discounts.

Throughout your course you will be tutored by leading professional photographers. Peter is renowned for his ability to capture the essence of life through the lens. Peter is a master craftsman with the camera and works in both color and black and white. His recent exhibition featuring his photographic collection ‘Travels through France and Italy’ brought glowing reviews. Peter has also been featured in Australian Photography. You can read about Peter by clicking on the 'Your Tutors' tab above.

You will take around 50 photographs in this course, plus you will put together a portfolio of your best work. Peter will assess your photographs and mark them up to show you where you need to focus or improve the shot. So, if it’s professional photography you want to learn about look no further, start the course today and learn how you can take photographs for a living. This course is a must for anyone wanting to move from amateur to professional level. This is not a course for people who are already professionals.

It is a course for those who want to learn about all the aspects of good photography: depth of field, exposure, viewpoint, alternating film and digital, color correction, movement, composition, image management, studio lighting, day and night shots, and so much more. You will also learn how to market yourself, prepare a photographer's portfolio, and obtain model releases and how to sell your photographs and earn a living as a photographer.

Some courses are also available on the Internet but they are not as relevant as being face-to-face with a teacher because it goes much more into account certain factors when visualized. Also photography requires some body movements it is better to actually learn rather than through a screen.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Child Halloween Costumes Are Not Everything on Halloween – Decorations for Halloween Lanterns for Halloween

Halloween is not all about dressing up in a Robin Hood child costume or other spooky costumes. The decorations are also very important for an autumn festival like Halloween. For example, you can create a perfect Halloween atmosphere if you use colorful lanterns at dusk. Here is how you can craft such a lantern yourself in just a few steps.
Difficulty: Fairly easy, but some patience is required
- Construction paper or photo paper, 300 g/m²

- Transparent paper

- Craft glue

- Scissors or a small blade paper cutter

- Office stapler

1: First you draw a template on a white sheet of A4 paper. The lantern needs to have almost the entire width of the A4 sheet.

Pumpkins and skulls, monster faces and ghosts, magic castles and castle ruins - let your imagination run wild. But the shapes should be simple, otherwise the cutting will be tedious. The shapes are stuck with transparent paper later on and they are supposed to shine.
You need a glue tab of about 3 × 5 cm.

2: When you are satisfied with the sketch, draw all the lines with a thick felt pen. Do this carefully and reasonably straight and make sure that the lines are visible later! Make the lines more visible with a pencil.

3: Now do the following: Turn your drawing with the painted surface on the table and draw a mirror image. Draw this mirror version in black ink, too. Now you copy the lanterns on the photo board.

If you have a scanner, you can use an image editing program and the process will be much easier and faster. Just scan, "Flip Horizontal" and print both sides of the box. Otherwise go to the nearest copy shop.
Make absolutely sure that your printer can handle this box strength. Otherwise, print the files in the copy shop or make a copy on plain paper and the stick it to the cardboard.

4: Whether printing or photocopying, the images must dry thoroughly before you edit them further, otherwise they will be all smeared! Cut the outer shape along the thick black line.

5: Scissors are quite tedious and impractical for cutting out the inner shapes. You might want to buy a paper cutter from the craft store or you can use a small knife!

6: Cut the inner shapes. The black lines should also be visible later. Why? Because the black line helps you to define the small bright windows of the board - that enhances the light effect and makes all the effort visible. Then, your guests will recognize your cool lanterns from the distance.

Important: Thick cardboard should be cut with a cutter!

7: Draw the contours of the cut-out window with a felt pen. This way, it will look clean and any mishaps that may occur when cutting such small shapes will be hidden.

8: Bend the stiff cardboard. This makes it easier to stick the transparent paper, which is much easier now than later.

9: Put the first page of the lanterns face down. Take transparent paper in the desired color and draw on the one you want to stick. The adhesive edge should be about 5 mm.

10: Spread some glue on the window and then cover the surface, so that no glue is smeared on the front of your work of art!

11: Press the pieces of transparent paper, for example, with the handle of the scissors. Do the same with all the colored papers!

12: Now you have finished the first part of your really cool lantern! You can also use it as a wonderful window dressing. You can easily mount it on the window from inside with adhesive tape.

13: If you want, you can spice up the pumpkin lantern with green accessories. If you have a drink around, splash some on green paper and cut it off. Glue it and that is it!

14: A small tuft of grass can make a nice frame for the pumpkin and also increases the footprint of the lantern. It is also important to have a straight bottom edge!

15: The pre-bent pages are now glued. You can staple the tabs if the carton is too tough.

Now you can put your beautiful and eerie lanterns by the window!

Warning: Do not let a flame burn unattended! Be careful when crafting and make sure that nothing can catch fire. You can find small light bulbs for these lanterns, which are great decorations for Halloween. So here is an extra successful idea for your party apart from the adult and child Halloween costumes for boys and girls.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Play Macao

Macao is a game that looks, in part, like baccarat and twenty-one. It has four decks of 52 cards and they go in order of the card’s value and they represent points. Macau, or Makao, is a Hungarian version of Crazy Eights, where players play a single card in sequence in a manner similar to Uno. Unlike Uno, however, Makao is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. Makao also involves bluffing so that the players do not necessarily have to play a card if they wish to save it for higher points later. Cheating is encouraged in the game, and it can make for a lively evening.

There are 2 or more players (up to 10) which are dealt 5 cards each; and the deck is then cut and the cut card becomes the first card in the discard pile. Play starts to the dealer's right. The next card played must be of the same suit or same value as the card on the top of the discard pile. If a 7 of spades was on the top of the discard pile, the player can play a 9 of spades or a 7 of clubs. Alternatively, an Ace or Joker can be played. If the player cannot play a card, he must draw from the deck. Cards can be played in runs, i.e. 5 of Spades, 6 of Spades, 7 of Spades, 7 of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, 8 of Clubs, 7 of Clubs.
When an action card is played, the player next in sequence must complete the action or add to it to pass in onto the next player in sequence. When down to a single card, a player must say "Macau!” If an opponent calls Macau before the player, the player must draw a card. The winner of the game is the first player to have no cards; in instances of more than 2 players, game play continues until only one player is left with cards.

picture of game.
The Ace is worth one point. Figures and ten do not count.  Nine is the maximum points that can be obtained. One by one, two cards are given to each player. (From right to left or left to right, either.)  If a 2 is played, the next player in sequence must pick up 2 cards unless they have a 2, in which case they can add this to the original 2 and the next player in sequence must pick up 4 cards and so on. If a 3 is played, the next player in sequence must pick up 3 cards unless they have a 3, in which case they can add this to the original 3 and the next player in sequence must pick up 6 cards and so on. If a 4 is played, the next player in sequence must miss a go, unless they have a 4, in which case they can add this to the original 4 and the next player in sequence miss 2 goes.

If a Jack is played, the player placing the Jack can call for a non-action card value, which they must hold - if they do not hold the value they are calling, they must call for 'any non-action card', the player in sequence must either play the card value called or place another Jack down and call a different value. If a King of Spades is played, the previous player in sequence must pick up 5 cards, unless they have a King of spades or hearts or queen of hearts, in which case they can add this to the original King and the next player in sequence must pick up 10 cards.

If a King of Hearts is played, the next player in sequence must pick up 5 cards, unless they have a King of spades or hearts or queen of hearts, in which case they can add this to the original King and the next player in sequence must pick up 10 cards. If a Joker is played, the sequence is reversed, i.e. clockwise play becomes anti-clockwise. If an Ace is played, the player playing the Ace must call a suit different what it is in play. They must hold a card of the suit they are calling, if not, they must call 'free suit' and the next player in sequence can play any suit other than that already in play.

Multiples action cards can be played, i.e. Player 1 plays three 2s and the next player in sequence must pick up 6 cards unless they have another 2. This is the same for 3's, 4's and Kings. When a player get down to 1 card they must say Macau or if another player catches them not saying Macau they must draw 5 cards

Macao is a development game, in which players need to plan their actions up to six rounds in advance. Players compete for goods which are shipped to distant countries as well as for development cards which steadily add new options turn by turn. Cards are bought individually and allow for powerful combos which you need in order to win the game.

At the end of the 17th century, Macao, the mysterious port city on the southern coast of China, was a Portuguese trading post in the Far East. The players take on the role of energetic and daring adventurers. Many exciting tasks and challenges await the players, whether they are a captain, governor, craftsman or scholar. Those who chose the wisest course of action, and have the best overall strategy, will earn the most prestige at the end. We see it in the way of playing. Whoever has the highest number of chips wins. (If the setting is composed of tokens.) This player must have completed the first nine points.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nurse exciting costume

When you think of nurses, the most famous picture that you can figure out is a stern-looking lady radiating in a uniform with starched apron and a cap. A naughty doctor costume is also exciting.

This image of the nurse is out. Attractive nurse costumes are now available in the internet if you want. A nurse costume is very bold and can be short and can look like a chic mini dress. The standard "white" and black are just the color trends! If you want to perfect your game with the role of the nurse, you need to have a matching color caps too. Various accessories can also be used for a doctor costume.

A nurse costume is available in different materials like neutral cotton or in paint or latex, which certainly gives the wearer a touch of wickedness. The taste is decisive here. And those who have always dreamed of being a nurse, but became an accountant or teacher, will have a chance to realize those old dreams again!

picture of nurse.
A sexy nurse costume and provocative acts

In any event, the carnival and carnival nurse costume is one of the most popular costumes. Even if a real nurse now wears long pants.

In one of the many commercially available nurse costumes, it does not only make a woman provocative and sexy, but it also attracts the attention of many men. Black nurse costumes are increasingly developing into a trendy color . A lot of people have even tried the combination of the colors red and white. A nurse costume will surely look good beside doctor costumes in the party.

Since nurse costumes are not always cheap, they are often worn to several events. This makes it possible to find that several nurses are in the same costume in the carnival.

If the nurse costume has a matching cap, gloves that reach to the elbow, combined with a nametag and of course, necessary medicines in the form of various candies, the performance of each nurse in the party will be a resounding success. You will also have a resounding success if you have a doctor who costume for the party.

For lovers of latex and paint, costumes for nurses in the market made of these materials are offered. Before a you decide to have this nurse costume, you should note that the latex paint is resistant to stains while, but can get warm very quickly.

Of course in a real costume as a nurse, one should also have small things such as sleeping pills, syringes and bandages. In the hustle and bustle of the carnival, there will always be carnival fools who want to look for the immediate treatment. Then, every woman should be prepared.

In each pharmacy, simple bandages and plasters can be bought inexpensively and matching stethoscope and simple syringes, without a dangerously sharp needle, can be bought in almost any store or online shop which offers the carnival costumes.

A lot of people in the party  are not aware that the nurse costume is not a pure fantasy. This nice looking and attractive costume can provide you with lots of charm and sex appeal.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why use CO2 fertilization in aquarium

The advantages of carbon dioxide - fertilization are obvious:

The CO2 is vital for the plants. If CO2 is well supplied in the aquarium, the plants can grow in a healthy way.
Due to the healthy growth of plants, these can also provide abundant oxygen for the fish.

The water levels of CO2 will also be stabilized.

CO 2 fertilization prevents the uncontrolled growth of algae too.
picture of aquarium.
Today we can say that a CO 2 fertilization is recommended. This can prevent a lot of problems.
Above all, it also prevents the nightmare of every aquarium owner, the rapid growth of the algae. Why? Simply because of the fact that with the healthy growth of aquarium plants, the pollutants in the water will be reduced. These pollutants are usually responsible for strong growth of algae. The healthier are the plants in an aquarium, the fewer problems you have with the growth of algae.
More about algae problems, there are many manufacturers who offer inexpensive entry-level products to provide a solution and give your aquarium a new gloss. The investment will be paid off after about 14 days. The first noticeable effects will be seen.
CO2 - Fertilization may not also be expensive. With a few simple steps, one can get a CO2 system.
CO2 build production in the aquarium itself
What you need to produce a CO 2 - Plant:

Min. 2 glass bottles

2 matching cork

Thin tube, preferably CO 2 hose, but not necessary


CO 2 Flipper

1 package dry yeast (depending on pool size)

500g sugar (depending on pool size)

The packaging is quite simple, it comes in a bottle. The 2nd Bottle is needed to clean the gas and the bubble counter.

The structure should be as follows:

In bottle 1, the yeast and sugar react with each other required forms to form CO 2 .
Shown as a green line is the hose that connects the cylinder with each other, the tube should extend into the first bottle. The bottles with cork must be sealed airtight, so the hose can be passed out. The hole must have a cork at the center which should be somewhat less in diameter as the tube, so that the tube will be properly pushed through the cork. The tube must be completely sealed.
Use a cork to seal it, no screw must be used, because the cork is also used as an overpressure protection which could occur in the bottle.
The exact dates:
The whole thing is connected with a little taste, as an example:
For a 100L aquarium:

4-7g of dry yeast, about twice the normal amount of yeast

200-400g sugar

1 liter bottle

After about 5-10 hours should start the CO2 production.
Of course you can also use products ready for fertilization.

Tips and tricks for the water levels in the aquarium

Use an aquarium air pump for a water current.Regularly checking the water chemistry is very important and to respond to the measured water levels is even more important. Otherwise, all the measurements have no sense at all. The most important values ??are:

pH - value



KH, carbonate / GH, total hardness

Fe, iron

CO 2 carbon dioxide

Of course, water levels are not of the same values all the time. You can use these values as basis or target to provide an environment suitable for the fishes. Of course, it is also the growth of the plant that determines the CO 2 levels.
On the following pages you will find useful tips about the change of water levels and home remedies to comply with the recommended values.

Monday, October 3, 2011

How to Train a Horse

Training a horse is as much about you learning how to communicate as it is for your horse to do what you want him to. Training is about developing two-way communication that is based on respect and trust.
Of course the method of training you choose will depend on the type of activities you are going to be partaking in. Are you going to be racing, entering him in shows, or just riding out on the trails on a leisurely Sunday afternoon? Whichever activity you have in mind, know that abuse or harsh training practices should never be considered. If anyone even suggests it, run the other way and don’t look back. There are far better methods of training a horse and you will gain a mutual respect that you wouldn’t gain by employing harsher methods
image of ranch.To get your horse trained faster, consider using the services of a professional trainer. They will work with you by giving you tips and strategies that you would probably never even think of. They’ll teach you how to communicate with your horse as well as offer you advice on how to best care for him. You’ll soon learn what your horse likes and what he doesn’t; and your horse will come to learn what you like as well. It will learn your body language and will begin to trust your approach and your voice.

As a general rule, horses can start to be trained when they are approximately two years of age. Before then, it’s important to spend as much time as possible with your horse/foal so they get used to being around people. This will help tremendously when it comes time to actually start training. One of the most important aspects of training is to be calm and unafraid at all times; if you’re nervous, it will make the horse nervous and training will be much more difficult.

The first step of training a horse is to do some ground training; this involves leading your horse in a circle via a long rope while issuing various commands. It needs to learn basic commands before you can even think of riding him. The next part of training involves teaching your horse how to walk beside you on a lead. Some horses may test your authority by wanting to shoulder you out of its space – be firm but gentle and let the horse know who the boss is!

Each training session at a hastgard should start with a warm up to loosen joints and muscles. Just like humans, horses need to stretch and loosen up so they don’t experience any discomfort or pain later. Once warm up is done, continue with skills that they already know, before you introduce anything new. A gradual introduction to new skills is best and won’t frustrate the horse or you. Then, once training is over, end with a cool down period that leaves your horse feeling refreshed and happy.

There are many horse farms  that offer professional training services for you and your horse. Find one that you are completely comfortable with before agreeing to employ their services.

Why dental and anti parasitic care is so important for your dog

A dog showing its teeth, means for the attacker: "Present yourself! I'm heavily armed! "This gesture is not very impressive if just smelly brown pins are visible. The teeth of the dog are his hunting eating tools at the same time, which is why healthy teeth and dental care for the dog is vital. If he swallows his food whole, he loses nutrients and large pieces of food can cause intestinal problems, vomiting, and a seemingly harmless inflammation of the gums can become a deadly danger. Typical warning signs of bad teeth in dogs are bad breath, yellowish-brown plaque, gingivitis, bloody saliva, excessive drooling and loss of teeth. Even if your dog eats hard food items such as dry food, or no longer wants to chew, you should be aware of this. Therefore, you take the best dental care from the beginning with a daily program schedule, so it does not ever get that far.
image of dogs.
Your dog has specialized teeth, and needs good dental care 

Internal and external parasites like dog fleas should be avoided with proper treatment.From the third to the sixth month of life is the change of teeth, the puppy loses her sharp baby teeth. No chair leg, no shoe is then safe from their nibbling, so they speed up the often painful loss of teeth. After the change of teeth, the dog has 42 teeth, which are typically arranged for meat eaters, as scissor bite. 12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 premolars and molars,  10 of which serve your dog for seizing, grasping, seizing and killing the prey. In some breeds it is by breeding that there is a misalignment of teeth. In dogs with short snouts, the muzzle often is too small for the number of teeth, which can lead to a non-precipitation of the canines and thus lead to malocclusion in the permanent dentition, or to periodontitis, because the self-cleaning mechanisms no longer have a scissors bite. Dogs with a lot of movement are less affected by periodontitis because the activity promotes salivation, and has the tooth-cleaning effect.

Dental care protects the dog from pain and disease

About 85% of three year old dogs have dental problems, which usually begin with the formation of soft plaque. It is caused by food debris and bacteria that accumulate in the mouth. With the minerals from the saliva they become tartar. Soft plaque can be removed by the owner, but the veterinarian must remove tartar with ultrasound under general anesthesia. If the bacteria have gotten into the mouth, they attack the gums and form gum pockets in which billions of germs can grow. Gums and bone recedes and the tooth falls out. In the worst case the germs are more aggressive and get into the blood and attack the heart and kidneys. A "harmless" gum disease may thus be the trigger for malignant diseases. Through regular dental care you can protect your dog from it. Once there is existing tartar however, it must be removed by the vet.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Seven Tips to Stay in the Limit

1. Do not use alcohol as a thirst quencher!

Someone who is thirsty drinks a lot and fast. Therefore, thirst should not normally be quenched with alcoholic beverages. You should start a party evening with one or more soft drinks.
image wines.
Alcohol also deprives the body of water. Therefore, you should ensure the fluid intake regularly and adequately with soft drinks. Water or fruit juice spritzers are the best options because they preserve the balance of calories and can be drunk easily and in larger quantities.

Even a non-alcoholic cocktail is very well suited to quench your thirst. In addition to this, non-alcoholic cocktails taste delicious. You can never get a wrong combination. Anyone who wants to enjoy an exotic, sharp or sparkling non-alcoholic cocktail should try the real tasty non-alcoholic cocktails. But be careful: the blood alcohol values of non-alcoholic beverages are not artificially lower. The alcohol levels in your body may not be low or flushed out. The alcohol metabolism can be influenced by outside factors. This is primarily responsible for the liver activity. A small glass of beer
of 0.2 l means a maximum alcohol value of 0.1 to 0.15 per thousand.

2. Give the drinking time

Parties are not parties if you do not have alcohol. But do you need a lot of alcohol in order to have fun? This is risky. It is especially dangerous if you drink too much liquor within a very short period of time. This can be life threatening. The reason: Alcohol is a toxin, so your body needs time to react and to activate its warning system. That is why you get dizzy or ill, for instance. But if you drink too much alcohol too fast, it is too late: the warning system does not work and alcohol poisoning is inevitable in many cases. Those who choose not to drink liquor reduce this risk significantly.

3. In suspend rounds

Do not act under pressure! If you always order one round and you pay for everyone else, then there is a danger that you drink more than your mates. In this case, you should know that it is not always ok to drink the same number of rounds as your friends. Maybe you should choose a soft drink.

4. Friends or acquaintances who drink little or no alcohol

There are certain people who drink little or no alcohol even in your circle of friends. It is helpful to be guided by these little drinkers to stay in the limit. You can have a good time with little or no alcohol drinking friends while enjoying your soft drinks. You will be back in top condition the next day even after a night of partying.
Those who are used to drinking a lot should choose a "tandem". For instance, you choose to drink just like a little drunk one evening. The "tandem" is really fun and you learn a lot.

5. Do not be alcohol-friendly 

It is not always easy to say "no" if you are offered an alcoholic beverage. However, you can change this and to learn to reject alcoholic beverages in a friendly manner. It is perfectly normal and ok to turn down an invitation to have an alcoholic drink. You do not have to do anything. The fear of saying "no" usually occurs because of the unpleasant reaction of the one who makes the invitation. This fear is exaggerated and unfounded. In reality, you can always prefer non-alcoholic beverages and not annoy the one who invites you.

6. No drinking games or flat parties

Drinking games are all about drinking as much alcohol as possible in a short time. The game play or the rules are all about getting drunk as soon as possible. You cannot refuse a drink during the game because that is against the "rules". You are risking your health by participating in drinking games. The same applies to flat parties. In this case, you lose track of the amount of alcohol drunk very fast because you do not pay for each drink separately and thus you cross the line.

Drinking games and flat parties rapidly lead to binge drinking. The whole thing can be dangerous, especially when hard liquor is in play. Why not just join?

7. No alcohol in times of frustration or sadness

Using alcohol as a "comforter" is not a good idea. Drinking does not eliminate the causes of your stress and your problems. Maybe they will get even bigger because the risk that you will not take care of something important is huge.

Also: Anyone who grabs a glass or bottle when in a bad mood ends up drinking more often than intended.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Bluff - An Indispensable Technique in the Poker Game

It is known that the bluff is a term of everyday language which owes its success to poker. Some players believe that poker is sometimes reduced to a bluff. This is of course wrong, although the two are admittedly inseparable. The beginner who wants to bluff at every turn is usually revealed in a quarter of an hour!
Therefore, mastering the poker tournaments strategies is a prerequisite before attempting anything. Of course, you also have the opportunity to try playing for free on different poker sites.

The game winner is not always the best player! What matters in poker is not what you have in your hand, but what other players think you have. If you bet like you have good cards, your opponents may believe that you actually have.

Of course, there are good times to bluff and bad times to bluff. Here are some tips to know in order to carry out successful bluffs. First, let’s start with hat you should not do:

- Never bluff when you are playing with beginners. If your opponents are not familiar with the tricks of online poker, they do not necessarily know when they are beaten. So even if you act as if you had the strongest hand, they probably won't know it and you will not succeed in intimidating them and this is the whole purpose of bluffing...

- Do not expect big bluffs at Low Limit Texas Hold'em (e.g. 1 - 2 dollars). The stakes are low, so your opponents will always be tempted to see your cards. They prefer to lose 2 dollars than be bluffed. You cannot really bluff if your opponent has a color, for instance.

- Do not try to bluff too many players at once. You can fool some of them, but rarely all of them. There will always be one or two with a big stack who want to see your cards. Therefore, it is better to wait for the turn or river to attack and bluff.

Now let's see what you should try to do:

image of online poker.
- Bluff when the board suggests that "someone" has a good hand. For example, "someone" is likely to have a complete color (a flush) when a third card of the same color falls on the board. The other players will believe you if you bet "as if" you had hit the color.

- Bluff against good players or people playing "tight." In fact, they are often the same! If you are in a pot with a player who seeks a reason to fold, give him one. Try to bet big and let him believe that you have something that can beat his hand. Such good players prefer bluffing rather than participating into a bet that will cost them half of their carpets. Enjoy!

The more you know the habits of your opponents, the better. Avoid the bluff if you play against someone who plays most hands passively because he will always want to see your cards. If you have been caught recently, your opponents will remember it and will not believe you. Wait for a while before re-attempting a bluff.
Of course this can be used to your advantage. Go to the bottom if you end up with very good cards just after you got caught. Some of your opponents will think you are trying to bluff again and will follow you blindly... until you show your big cards!

Some game situations are "typical." Use them to your advantage, knowing that the veteran players know and could use them against you.

- You are sitting in late pre-flop position. Everyone goes down and it is your turn to speak. You bet big, knowing that there are only two players after you (the big blind and the small blind). Their bet is a "blind" so you have an extra chance. They can interpret your raise as a sign of a big game and fold. This is called "stealing the pot."

- You are sitting in late position after the flop. Everyone checks. You can interpret their checks as a lack of confidence in their cards. So you raise, which may be interpreted by opponents as a sign of a big game and will fold.

Bluffing is an art which is inseparable from poker. This set of techniques "spices up" the game considerably and gives you a rush of adrenaline! But keep in mind that bluffing is a weapon in your arsenal, but by no means is it the only one. Please note that a successful bluff takes a lot of practice and a healthy dose of psychology. Do not be discouraged if you fail at first!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Places Where You Can Play Bingo and Online Bingo!

So you want to play bingo but you don’t know where to go? Do not worry because you will soon find that it is not that hard to find people who share the same passion as you! It is time to get to know bingo amateurs!

Image of online bingo.Bingo has become the favorite pastime of many people, maybe because of its simplicity. No tricks or strategies are required --- just plain luck! So the question is “Where can you play”? You have to know where you can play online bingo too. There are free online bingo sites that you can visit for sure.

Bingo games are generally organized by the pious or charitable organizations. Now, many would be confused as to why a church would encourage gambling. However, bingo is regarded better and is not seen as an evil form of manifestation like other forms of gambling such as poker or blackjack. It is considered a healthy activity suitable for people of all ages, all members of the family or which can be played even by the religious themselves. The reason for this is that there is no betting involved - the price is not taken from the pockets of the players but is donated by an altruistic promoter from all his or her heart.

Bingo games are great fund-raising activities because greed is not illegal and it promotes fun and enjoyment. There are usually announcements of all upcoming bingo games for all those who could be interested during the mass. Social organizations also advertise and spread the word around if they have bingo games coming up, so it might be good to keep up your social network activity.

There are also bingo games in malls if you want to play bingo from the naked drive out. You can find a comfortable seat in here, a prompter so you do not have to stretch out to see the numbers that were drawn and you have some good food and drinks next to you. The regular and special games offer cash prizes which are produced by the players daily. However, the longer time it takes someone to claim their bingo, the more the value of the prize decreases. There are bingo games in the internet also. Online bingo can be played just like the free online bingo that are so popular these days.

Image of online bingo.This is the information age, so one does not need to go out to play his favorite game of bingo. All he needs is to hook up to the internet and there he is. He can play an interactive bingo game with real players from every nook and cranny of this planet.

Although there is no real social interaction among the players, the rules of the game are the same and the fun and excitement of the bingo game are in no way diminished.

A word of caution though --- you have to be careful if you send your private information to these online gaming sites. The internet can be as unpleasant as it is useful because of hackers. Apart from this, online bingo is really the most convenient way to play for the Internet savvy player.

Lastly, if nothing here suits your idea of ​​gambling, why not organize your own game? There are bingo cards and balls you can use to draw the numbers and are found in department stores and bookstores. All you need is a couple of friends to act as players and a person to call out the numbers that are drawn. You can ask your friends to put money for the prize. It need not be great and you can flatten it financially as long as the players are excited and motivated to win the game.

Bingo is one of the best games ever. You can find it anywhere and play it any time you want! It is the easiest and most entertaining game that you could ask everyone to play.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Tips You Need To Sell A House

It is indeed a difficult task to find a buyer for the house that you are selling given the kind of market that we have now. In a slow market, you will need to make sure that you offer the best at the most affordable price to entice buyers to take a look at your property and consider it as an investment. As much as possible, you have to do your best to sell a house. Most of the time a how to bury Saint Joseph statues guide is commonly used to make sure luck will work on your side. A lot more tips are indeed very helpful to sell a house. You have to remember them so that you will have a guide in doing the right thing.


image of saint joseph statue.The main objective of staging is to convince the buyer that the house is a wise investment given its current condition. It is very much important that you are able to make or him think that he can live in the house with his or her own family. In staging, you have to make sure that all the flaws will be reduced to remain unnoticed. Though the house is not new already, you can surely upgrade it and make it a house that a lot of people dream of. Clean the house and arrange all the clutter inside. Put everything in their proper places to ensure harmony inside. As much as possible, you need to keep those personal things away for them not to see.


Sometimes, you need to renew or give the house a much fresher look than it had. One way to do it is to paint the walls with a new color. A neutral color is very much preferred to ensure that a larger market will be targeted. You also need to repair all the things that are not damaged. Check the electrical wires and water pipes for leaks and disconnection.


One of the most important things that you need to do is to price the house just right. Budget is a significant factor that most people look into as they buy one property. Thus, the house that you are selling must have the right price. Overpricing will just cause so much delays.


There are tricks that can certainly hasten the process of selling a house like a statue Saint Joseph.The St Joseph statue has been used by a lot of real estate agents in the property that they are selling to bring much luck. Bury a statue Saint Joseph upside down to ensure that you will have a good buyer who can give you the right price.

You have to realize that there are a lot of things that can be done to sell a house in an easy way. The tips mentioned are actually very helpful so you can try to do it. Make sure that you follow them. Get a statue Saint Joseph to hasten it. Remember all the tips for you to be guided well.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Paddling in A Clean Way

Think it doesn't matter if your paddle is dirty? Better think again. You're going to find some tips for cleaning your paddle as well as some other things to help improve your game. You don't need anything really fancy for cleaning your paddle. Just some plain water and a soft sponge will do for general cleaning and dusting. At the end of the match you might want to do a little more fancy cleaning to get rid of the more deeply seated dirt and the oils that accumulate on your paddle from your skin.

There are specially made cleaners that come out of cans just for this purpose. They are expensive but worth it. If you're on a tight budget and can't afford the good stuff you can clean your paddles cheaply by using a drop of dishwashing detergent. Make sure you use a brand that is non abrasive like Ivory.

What you do is take a drop of the liquid and put it on the blade. Then add a few drops of water. Then take the corner of your sponge and rub the solution into the surface of the rubber. After you're done, rinse the sponge and wipe the blade and handle off completely so that there is no soap left on it. You're going to have to rinse the sponge several times while doing this procedure. After you're done, shake the blade dry. Don't dry with a towel or any kind of cloth. You'll end up getting fibers in the blade. Cleaning your racket is only part of keeping it in good shape. Make sure that you have a sturdy case for your racket to keep it in.

Also, make sure you keep the case as clean as possible. Don't leave it out and open for long periods of time. If dirt accumulates inside the case, that dirt is eventually going to end up on your racket. Keeping your equipment in good clean condition is just as important as being on the top of your game. While we're on the subject of your paddle, this is something that only the really advanced players do but is something that everyone should do.

For starters, you really need to have more than one type of racket. The reason for this is because each table surface that you play on is going to be different. Some will be slicker than others, meaning the ball will react faster on some surfaces than others. For really fast games you're going to want to use a lighter weight racket that reacts faster. So, how do you know what kind of table surface you're going to be playing on? One way to find out is to check out your opponent before the game starts. Find out what kind of surface he is practicing on and what kind of racket he's using.

If you see he's changing his racket then find out which one he is using. This will give you a good idea of what surface you're probably going to be playing on and can choose your racket to match. Don't underestimate keeping your racket clean and choosing the right one for the table you'll be playing on. These two tips may make the difference between winning and losing, all other things being equal.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Spider Veins Removal

Spider veins, haemangioma, superficial angioma or hemangioma, are extended veins (known colloquially as "broken capillaries") in the face or legs.

Spider veins

Spider veins are enlargements of the smallest venous vessels, which are usually considered a result of connective tissue in superficial areas of the skin and so are clearly visible from the outside. These vascular networks are named so because they look like broom sticks. Depending on the diameter and area of the skin affected, these veins appear as bluish to dark blue or very fine bright red veins, which then appear as flat skin redness, such as in the so-called 'red cheek' (= very fine reddish vascular structures in the cheek and nose area: rosacea).

The term spider veins is used mainly for advanced vessels in the legs. It must be clarified first whether the existing spider veins occurred because of an underlying venous insufficiency. A venous test is recommended for this purpose (LRR-and ultrasound Doppler study). The spider veins with a larger diameter can be removed by devastation. This leaves the fine, reddish blood vessels, which can be removed using cosmetic laser surgery treatment.

If no underlying venous insufficiency is present, then the spider veins are purely cosmetic and can be removed directly through laser treatment.


image of treatment.Haemangioma are coil-like vessel collections that are so superficial in the skin that they often appear to bulge outward. Angiomas and hemangiomas are vascular anomalies similar to the haemangioma, but they develop in the deeper skin layers and do not turn red, but usually dark red to purple. Telangiectasias are dilated vessels usually in the face area. They are often also called broken capillaries.Telangiectasias can be easily removed by laser therapy.

The spider nevus = spider veins usually occurring on the face as reddish skin lesions. A central visible thickness of the vessel is to be observed in the center and the finest small branches, too.

Fine vascular networks are increasingly visible in red scar areas, the course of the scar often being obvious. The same is true for the occurrence of red stretch marks or reddish stretch marks. This redness can be cured so that the skin appearance is much improved aesthetically and the scars are not noticeable.

Can these vascular networks be removed?

Is cosmetic surgery right for you? Only few people agree on permanent makeup surgery but regarding spider veins the answer is positive. These vascular networks can be removed with the help of KTP laser light pulses in the green spectral range. This light penetrates the top skin layers without causing bleeding. The energy from the red blood pigment is absorbed in the small blood vessels. The vessels are heated for a short time, leading to a shrinkage effect. The vessel walls stick together, so that the vessel at the treated site is closed.

The treatment effect is already clearly evident during treatment. The vessel walls are destroyed during the earlier release of the dye laser treatments and bruises are formed usually for 14 days. With today's KTP laser treatment, a slight reddening of the skin is to be expected for about 2 days. Several treatments (1-3) are needed for complete removal, depending on the type of skin.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The best 15.6 laptops for under 400 euros

Anyone looking for a new laptop in the standard size 15.6-inch for under 400 Euros, can already find one today. We present a comparison of the four best notebooks available in this price range. Two notebooks from Lenovo and two from Acer. The picture is the Lenovo G555. The other three models are also black and very similar designed. The Lenovo G555 and Acer Extensa 6535ZG both cost 399 Euros, the Acer Aspire 5735Z is located at 389 Euros, the Lenovo B550 M41EHGE is 379.50 Euros, the cheapest of the four notebooks. All four windows 7 (Home Premium) have been installed, the two devices have the Acer 64-bit version, where Lenovo is the 32-bit version on board. There are in this price range of course, some discount laptops that have no operating system with it.

This was, however, our selection criteria for the four best 15.6-inch laptops. Also, we have selected only notebooks that have 4GB RAM. Some notebooks in this price range have only 2GB RAM. When Lenovo B555, however, you have to install two of the 4 GB RAM still own. And the Acer Aspire one cannot even upgrade to 8 GB, the other is not an extension of memory possible. All four laptops have dual core processors, but a different kind of Lenovo G555 has an AMD Turion Dual-Core M520 with two times 2.3 GHz.

image of laptop.The other three have Intel processors, which are now purchased much more frequently. Acer has installed in the two models have an Intel Pentium (Dual Core) T4500 two times with 2.3 GHz. The other Lenovo laptop (Lenovo B550) has an Intel Core 2 Duo T6570 processor, which twice has 2.1 GHz. The Lenovo G555 has the largest hard disk on our four candidates - 500 GB, while the other three have all 320 GB hard drives. But this should be sufficient for most purposes. The 15.6-inch displays of discount Sony laptops all have a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels (WXGA TFT). Lenovo, the two devices have a glossy display, which acts in the spaces usually a little more pleasant for both notebooks

Acer has a matte screen. The anti-glare matte display is judged to be especially advantageous if you want to use the laptop often outdoors. The graphics cards of the laptops are also different. The Lenovo B550 and the Acer TravelMate loved both the Mobile Intel GMA 4500M graphics, the Acer Extensa an NVIDIA GeForce G105M and the Lenovo G555 has an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4550 The latter two graphics cards may be better suited for games than Intel. For normal work on the laptop or for video, she should be sufficient but also. The Acer and Lenovo B550 have an LED-backlit (backlight), the other not both.

The two displays, the Acer HD-capable devices are not the Lenovo laptops. A double layer DVD burner, all four laptops, three USB slots, Ethernet and wireless LAN as well. Having a 5in1 card reading the Aspire and the Lenovo G555, the TravelMate has a 2in1 card reader. Of this moderately-equipped Aspire has the worst facilities in terms of the sound, he has only one speaker. The other devices all have audio systems with two speakers. An integrated microphone, and output for external audio devices, all four notebooks. In size and weight, the four candidates also differ little: Both Lenovo models weigh 2.7 kg, 2.6 kg and the TravelMate Extensa 2.5 kg.

The battery life distinguish itself: The Lenovo devices last a little longer by with 4 hours on the G555 model and 3, 5 hours, the B550. The TravelMate has his name in accordance with 3.1 hours, a little better than his colleague Extensa battery with 2.5 hours. Whom the mobility of a notebook is very important that was to decide among these models, so better for the Lenovo G555. This also has the most space on your hard drive, but the worst processor. It should therefore be the slowest of the four notebooks. Whom the speed is more important than battery life and hard disk space that will decide more for one of the other three models. At the speed have Lenovo and Acer Aspire B550 nose in front.

The TravelMate is lagging a bit behind in speed and even with the battery life (3.1 hours) moderate. The TravelMate has under these presented here is not the best or worst battery life or speed, but is always in the middle. Only the worst sound he has. But a 2in1 card reader and antireflection coating. The Lenovo B550 is pretty fast for its price class and has 3.5 hours, even a bad battery life. His shortcoming is the lack of card reader. But its battery lasts but an hour longer than the battery of the Aspire. The Acer Aspire of wins for those who want a fast laptop that does not necessarily run with a long battery needs (2.5 hours, he can), but absolutely should have a 5in1 card reader and antireflection coating.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Gambling Advisor-Pick 3 Game

The pick 3 game is the only lottery game that gives a legitimate chance of winning. You will forget about playing other games once you learn how to win at pick 3. The odds of winning at pick 3 are 1,000 to 1. Try to compare the odds of winning pick 3 versus pick 6. Would you believe that the odds are 120,000,000 to 1? Which game would you spend your money on if you were going to buy a lottery ticket? The pick 3 does not appeal to some players however. The reason is that feel that the payoffs are too low. But if you know how to win at pick 3, why not play and use the odds to win. If your chances of winning $500 were that much higher, which game would choose to play? It is obvious what the answer would be. If you decide to play pick 3, your lottery form has 5 panels. You can play 1 to 5 panels. There are 3 columns of numbers from 0 to 9 in each panel. Select one number from each column. In order to play the game well, you need a good gambling advisor as much as possible.

Image of gambling advisor.In most states, you pay $1 for each play. But there are varieties of combinations to choose from. One of the plays you can choose is to play 3 numbers straight. You must match the numbers selected in the exact order they are drawn. If the order of numbers drawn is 745, then you must these numbers in that order to win. Playing a box is another popular play. By playing a box, your chances increase because you win if the 3 number you select are drawn in any order. If you choose the numbers 123 in a box and 123, 231, 312,321, 132 or 213 are drawn, you win. A good gambling advisor can help you in this game for sure.

Image of gambling advisor.Another way to play is front pair or back pair. For instance, you choose the numbers 734 and you have played front pair, you win if the first 2 numbers drawn are 73, no matter what the last number is. The same with a back pair. You win if you choose the number 472 and last 2 numbers drawn are 72. The payouts for these two plays are lower that playing straight or a box, but you do win. There are only 1,000 possible combinations in a pick 3 game with the numbers 0 to 9. There are 3 different strategies to choose numbers when you know to win at pick 3.

If you choose 3 different numbers, you are playing unmatched numbers. If you choose 523, then you are playing unmatched numbers. You play doubles when you select 2 of the 3 numbers the same. If you choose 882 or 717, then you are playing doubles. Playing triples are very simple. They are the same 3 numbers. 777, 222, and 888 are examples of triples. 72% of the winning combinations chosen in pick 3 numbers are unmatched. In doubles, the percentage decreases to 27% and with triples, it decreases even further to 1%. Your best chances of winning when knowing how to win at pick 3 are to use unmatched numbers. But if you play 3 unmatched numbers in a box, there are only 120 combinations. Play 3 unmatched numbers in a box and you have the best chance of winning.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What Exactly is Menopause

Just what is this thing called menopause? And what does it have to do with you? Simply stated, menopause is a biological event that marks the end of a woman's menses and hence her natural reproductive cycle. Perimenopause is defined as the period beginning with the signs of approaching menopause and ending about 12 months after "the menopause." Worldwide, menopause has a variety of meanings. Each and every woman's experience is based on her physical and emotional well being, as well as her social and cultural environments. While some view menopause as a decline in status, others see it as a rite of passage. In other words, there are huge physical, emotional and social influences involved in your experience of menopause and aging.

That said, what you really want to know is - "What will I experience?" This is tricky, as the answer is different for every woman. Some women barely notice a warm flush, while others have an intense reaction. So as you read some of the more common occurrences, please keep in mind - you will do you own thing. Power Surges, night sweats and chills; insomnia, and/or poor quality of sleep; urinary frequency, discomfort and sometimes leakiness; vaginal dryness, irritation and possibly discomfort with sexual activity; Moodiness. Perhaps some irritation, nervousness, anxiety and depression; diminished libido (sexual desire); memory issues; and joint pain and stiffness In case you think all the reactions are negative, take a look at some of the more positive and more important changes that happen to women.

There is freedom, joy, greater sense of creativity, a sense of peace that has not been previously been present and wisdom that only comes to those with the experience of time and conscious living.

Just as there are many responses to the onset of menopause, there are many approaches you can take to meet these changes. As with anything, you must weigh any risk against the benefit (this is especially true when you consider hormone therapy), your belief system, and finally, you must find something that works for you. Most approaches are common sense and actions we need to take daily. Others are meant to challenge your thinking and open your mind. Possible ways to approach menopause include healthy food and fluid intake, nutriceuticals such as vitamins and herbal supplements, exercise at least 30 minutes daily, traditional Chinese Medicine such has acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Qi Gong and Tai Chi, adjusting your attitude by laughing and having fun.

Hanging out with your girlfriends would be great and through meditation, visualization and biofeedback and Natural, Bio-identical and pharmaceutical grade hormone therapy. This is a time of your life where you can count on change, and the growth that comes from it. As the power surges through our bodies, we grow into the women we are meant to be. We fulfill our goals and move on to make new ones. While our focus is inward, our outward gaze sharpens and our dreams are manifested for all to celebrate. It really is a magnificent time.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Instructions for an Optimal Golf Swing Using Junior Golf Set

Anatomy & fitting

Even if every manufacturer releases several new models of clubs on the market every year, this does not alter the fact that all these clubs have an identical structure. The differences are chromatic or in terms of the materials used, but there is no difference in the lengths of the club or angles. No one builds round or square heads and no one drills the shaft in the middle of the head (except for center-shafted putters, but they are restricted by the rules of golf).

The reason is simple: a golf club looks like that because it is the only way to fit our anatomy. Therefore, we must also fit the golf clubs. They come in different sizes because people come in different sizes, too.  Some have short, others have long arms, the legs and upper body are different and so on. For beginners, it is better to use junior golf sets. It will help you adjust in the game of golf. Make sure that you also have a junior golf bag to keep your things organized.
Image of junior golf set.But that does not change the general features of this game. The thugs are adapted to our joints and muscles. Each joint activated by two main muscles and there is only limited movement. There is only one way to rotate the joints such as knees and elbows up to a certain angle. Everything is made possible through muscles and tendons, but there is a favorite way in which they operate optimally.

Since the club head is accelerated during the golf swing, the muscles and joints always tend to perform the respective optimal joint and muscle movements. Whether the backswing matches the anatomy of the body and the club is moved to the desired momentum line cannot be said. The golf swing is so fast (2-3 tenths of a second) that it is impossible to correct. So one who misses the address position and the grip gets can no longer execute the hit correctly.

This can be seen very well in a video analysis. Many players get a hollow back in an effort to straighten their back. But there are players that rely particularly on the shoulder. Nobody can resonate with a hollow back or slumped shoulders and therefore, the swing is not successful. This does not match our anatomy.

Those who know something about the natural movements of the body will execute the golf swing easier. The aim is therefore to use the joints/angle and muscles/body tension so that the result is a good golf swing. The golf clubs that you use in the game must be organized using a junior golf bag. Take care of your junior golf sets to keep them in good condition as always.

Turning is nonsense

There is no evidence that the human body can rotate rapidly and move forward. Though you can turn your head and hands 180 degrees, these moves are the result of an interaction of several muscles. There is no turning muscle. Also, the upper body can be rotated, but there is no muscle that operates diagonally and thus can provide a quick turn. The rotation therefore requires coordination of several upper body muscles in a non-optimal way for each muscle.
Anyone who performs an unfortunate jolt exposes themselves to injury risks. Golf teachers still ask their students to rotate the upper body. This is not only ineffective, but also very health concerning. But you will read more on that later when the swing axis topic is treated.

Antics in literature - From clubs to swings

Unfortunately, some traders on the non-straight small book market make like a lot more difficult for golfers. Sure, what is troubling is that they make excellent money selling all kinds of lies. But it is not the mass of golf books that makes golfers good. Ultimately, you only need to read a text: the right description of the golf game.
For many years, the golf swing terminology has been associated with all kinds of uninspired sources. Then, in 2009, the alleged professionals learned not to swing, but to strike. The initial sound of it is that this is dangerous and meaningless because the golf swing is made unnecessarily complicated. As mentioned above, the golf swing lasts up to three tenths of a second. Who would want to perform specific and reproducible individual muscle and joint movements?

Both of these thugs and the most widely read golf books authors in the United States of America have one thing in common: they are not golf instructors. This is not a problem. In fact, given the poor quality of local teaching pros, it is almost a blessing as no blissful book has been published, so there is still room for counter arguments.

Just spinning is actually so much better than swinging and hitting. When you swing and hit, you engage too many muscles and joints that have no business in the game.  Reproducibility is achieved if only a few muscles are controlled. These muscles are the largest ones because only they can be controlled well. The golf swing is characterized very differently, namely by minimalist moves.